Earthquake Early Warning System Palert TAP
Seismic Warning plus Battery backup and Touch ScreenDesigned specially for Palert, i-touch is an earthquake warning apparatus, connecting to Palert by RS-485 cable which can reach up to 1200 meters. Users operate and set up the i-touch by its touch screen and are able to store 100 records(magnitude & time) at the same time. As earthquakes occur, the built-in buzzer will be activated automatically. It has two different sound phases according to different magnitudes. The built-in battery supplies power to the Palert and can last for 4 continuous hours without AC supply.
An i-touch can be customized to connect up to three Palerts(optional), by means of the principal that if two out of three Palerts detect earthquake signal, the alert will be released. This is to avoid possible false alarms caused by non earthquake events made by humans. With the combination of Palert and i-touch, users are still able to receive warnings from Palert and the earthquake early warning, thus reducing any further damage from aftershocks even when mains power is lost. |